Friday, June 6, 2014

Night Nerd News Update - June 6th, 2014

He's No Good To Me On Film

Josh Trank (Chronicle) has been announced as a director of a yet to be named Star Wars stand alone movie set to be released in 2016. No info on who or what the movie will be about, but the odds on favorite is Boba Fett. I don't know about you, but could Boba Fett carry an entire feature film? Leave comments, or get us on facebook!

They're Here To Save The World...30 Years Later

In order to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Ghostbusters, Sony Pictures will re-release the film to a select 700 theaters on Labor Day weekend. I don't know about you but they've got my $10.50. Sony has also launched a new website on the film and it will update us all on where we can catch the masterpiece when it comes time. Check it out by clicking here!

Superzeroes Issue #1: Time Travel Is Complicated

Don't forget Issue #1 of Superzeroes is now available for download or streaming!

iOS users can click here!

Android users can click here!

Unless there is some big breaking comic news, we'll talk to you again Monday! Have a good one! Taker easy!-P

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