Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Noon Nerd News Update - June 4th, 2014

Does The Bat Really Need The Cat?

After her strong performance in, Edge of Tomorrow, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Emily Blunt being offered more comic book/action roles. Well, DC must be thinking the same thing, as a Spanish language website is claiming the 31-year old actress is being considered for a role in the upcoming, Batman V. Superman movie. Sure, a fledgling site says someone might get a part, let's not put too much stock in it right? Well this site also speculated at Ben Affleck playing Bruce Wayne/Batman, and Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonderwoman and we know how those turned out. If cast, who might the Brit play? Catwoman, Harley Quinn, maybe Lana Lang? What do you think? Leave comments below or let us know on facebook!

Thanos, Rising?

Marvel Studios has recently announced that the Avatar Of Death himself, Thanos, will be in Guardians Of The Galaxy (out August 1st). He will be voiced by Josh Brolin and will appear mainly as a hologram commanding his troops against the Guardians. Fans have been waiting for a Thanos appearance ever since he appeared in the after credits scene in The Avengers. Something tells me, another after credits scene in Guardians will set up some Thanos tie in to the next Avengers movie, or some aspect of the current Marvel Universe. Need a refresher on Thanos, check out the clip from the Avengers below, or by clicking here.

Look, Up In The Sky, It's A Bird, It's A Plane, It's The Whistleblower!

That's right kids, according to CBS Washington, Edward Snowden, famed whistleblower, now living in Russia will be the focus of a new comic book written by former DC writer Valerie D'Orazio. D'Orazio, says the fact that Snowden was a normal geeky guy before turning international chess piece is where the idea came from. The book will center on his life before leaking government secrets. The book, being published by Bluewater Productions has no official release date as of yet. Read the entire article here. 

The Bat Credit Card, Never Leave The Cave Without It

Ever wondered how much is in the wallets of some of our favorite heroes? The website io9 has an infographic of the bank accounts of some of the worlds finest. No wonder Magneto never got along with Professor X! Check out the full infographic here.

Catch Superzeroes Issue #1 Tomorrow!

Don't forget, Issue #1 of the Superzeroes Podcast airs tomorrow at Noon! For iOS users, you can now subscribe through iTunes or the Podcast app by clicking here. For Android or Google users, you can listen on your computer or phone by using Podomatic by clicking here. 

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